Sunday, 18 July 2010

We were always aware when we were children...

Its nice sometimes to look back at memories that can bring a smile on the darkest of days. when we reach the age that life starts taking from us we have nothing but memories to tide us over. however thats not the real thing i want to talk about today or rather whenever it is you wonderful followers of mine will be reading this.

Anyway so yeah, recently I entered a poetry competition just for a laugh really but I realised once I entered- "oh god, if I get through what the hell am I going to do next? This poem that is about as entertaining as a mature conversation might be accepted, if that happens how am I going to perform that blooding thing." Then it dawned on me, if I perform it get the audience involved. make them actively part of the performance. I'm used to performing on stage as I used to do a wee bit of stand up and comedy sketches amongst numerous musicals that we did. And before anyone asks, yes as every theatre group does we did 'West Side Story' and I suffered injuries during the shows run. So yeah the performing infront of a crowd but how to do that requires a new brain wave. looking at the pictures and footage from last years competition no-one seemed to try anything like this. so maybe it could be slightly original to try it. hmm who knows. i'm just getting ahead of myself as the competition is still open for entry. I'm sometimes too eager. So yeah but i'll give you the website to have a look at and enter if you wish. try it and see what happens. like me.

Anyway so i'm going to make a dash now. got dates to keep haha. yeah thats not very likely. oh yeah one more thing, i'm making video blogs or in the process of making the first. so i'll post them. i think its a good idea just to share more stuff with people. the footage is basically of my adventures this month and stuff. so we shall speak soon. oh yeah and could you all check out this young ladies music. she does covers mainly but she is very good.

enjoy ladies and jellybeans. i'm going to demonstrate my super atheltic skills now.

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